On Wednesday, Apple (AAPL) finally released its iPad. The iPad, which comes with a price of $ 499, works much like a larger version of an iPod that allows users to send photos, watch videos, surf, play music, and, of course, read eBooks.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs said his iPad "had to be better than a laptop, smartphone or laptop. Jobs then took time to demonstrate the many features Apple's new creation that offers the ability to reproduce a user's iTunes collection. The iPad also comes with a built-in Google Maps app.
Looking like a version of the iPhone's big brother, the iPad weighs about 1.5 pounds and is about half an inch thick. It also features a 9.7 inch multi-touch. The iPad is available in three different versions. For $ 499 the user will receive 16GB of flash storage, 32GB for $ 599, and the huge 64GB for $ 699. With Wi-Fi iPad will come with 3G capabilities to $ 629 for 16GB, 32GB for $ 729 and 64GB for $ 829. Most prospective buyers will probably want to wait, as he recalls how Apple dropped the price of its iPhone a few months which is the initial release angered many who paid the original price.
The service will be provided by AT & T Wireless with two different plans being offered. These plans are unlimited data for $ 29.99 and up to 250 MB for $ 14.99 a month. A plan with AT & T 3G will cost $ 130 more than the regular Wi-Fi plans.
While the new iPad perform all iPhone applications, either twice the resolution or at its original size, the developers have to update some of its applications in order to display them in full screen.
The New York Times has the honor of having one of the first applications designed to iPad. This allows applications that the user feel as if reading a real newspaper.
Apple is in direct defiance and hope to have the same success with Amazon.com has been popular book reader Kindle. While calling the iBookstore, many e-books from publishers like Group, Simon & Schuster, Harper Collins Publishers, Penguin and Hachette Book Group Macmillian. How much success has iPad be determined in the coming months, which means that we must all keep our eyes on Apple stock.
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