-first: we must now how to make a shape with curved sides , it is easy with photoshop.
draw a circle Then repeat the circuit and draw a rectangle in the middle area as in the next photo:
-after drawing this shape Integrate the layers with each other without the layer that content the background.
-select the shape by pressing the button “ctrl” on your keyboard and pressing on the layer that content the shape.
-After that make a new layer and Delete the last layer that content the shape , and don’t ever Deselect the selected area(was selected in the previous step).
-now select to colors that suitable to the gradient of the new layer
-do the gradient on the selected area
- now we will contract the selected area a little bit by Select>Modify>Contract .
-enter the value “2” or that you see is suitable for your work
-you will see that the selected area is contracted a little bit , now make a new layer ,and don’t forget to not deselect the area
-then select the gradient tool with white color
-make a little gradient to the shape , that will be like that
-then go to filter menu
-enter the value “2” or “3” to make a little spread of the white color
- the output shape will be like that , all you have to do is to write what you want on it
Source: itexpert.net